Calvin's Kicks
   The coach knows it, "Overall, John kind of led us". The star knows it, "He's batman, I'm Robin". It seems that everyone knows that the future of the Wizards is no longer Gilbert Arenas, but is rookie John Wall.
     The former star, Arenas, used to be so much what makes John Wall, John Wall. Marketable, exciting, fun-loving. But the former agent Zero has pulled a Joaquin Phoenix and grown a beard, changed numbers, and even stopped smiling. A few years ago, before the gun fiasco and the injury, could you image Gilbert saying, “I lost all feeling a long time ago. Basketball is basketball. It doesn’t matter what floor I’m on.”? He is hardly the same person as he used to be.
     Having a young stud like John Wall behind you doesn't help either. The teacher's plans seem to be: “Teach John (Wall) the ins and outs of the game and then eventually go on and move on, and I’m on my way,”
     It appears that Arenas' stay in DC is slowly coming to an end, and strangely, he is okay with that. "There's few players that stay in the same city, so right now the city is John's. I'm not here to fight anybody. I'm here to play alongside of him" The strange, sad, saga continues...

The Wizards shocked the world, and beat the odds. Washington, who had 7.6% of getting the top pick, lower than 4 other teams, have the right to take their pick of John Wall or Evan Turner. The Philadelphia 76ers had a similar miracle, overcoming a 7.5% chance to get the number two pick. The true story is that of the New Jersey Nets. Dreams of a LeBron John Wall duo are no more. Their 25% chance of the top pick, the most in the lottery, wasn't enough to even secure a top 2 pick.

1) Washington Wizards
2) Philadelphia 76ers
3) New Jersey Nets
4) Minnesota T-Wolves
5) Sacramento Kings
6) Golden State Warriors
7) Detroit Pistons
8) LA Clippers
9) Utah Jazz
10) Indiana Pacers
11) New Orleans Hornets
12) Memphis Grizzlies
13) Toronto Raptors
14) Houston Rockets